No.14 – Chicken with Broccoli

The Way to a Woman's Heart is Through her Stomach...
The Way to a Woman’s Heart is Through her Stomach…

I am thrilled to have been asked to write a guest article for Justin’s blog. He knows how much I love food culture. It’s where my areas of interest intersect. For those of you who don’t know me, my undergraduate degree is in Sociology, then I continued on in the field of Education. Later, I went on to open my own restaurant, devoted to eating healthy and nutrition education. My specialty there is not the cooking, but the menu creation, flavor combination, and nutritional quality. That’s why the study of food culture is something I can write a blog about.

To be honest, I also just love to eat. It balances perfectly with Justin’s love of cooking. How lucky am I that he not only enjoys being in the kitchen, but he also keeps it strictly vegetarian for me? He’s definitely the fortune to my cookie.

Typical Lunch Served at our School Cafeteria (this cost approx. $0.40...
Typical Lunch Served at our School Cafeteria (this cost approx. $0.40)

On to business. You know the expression, “eat to live or live to eat”? Well, I believe that Americans mostly engage in the latter, while the Chinese seem to adhere to the former. Justin and I teach together in a rural boarding school. We eat most lunches in the cafeteria. Because they are delicious? No! Few cafeterias across the world meet that standard. But because there’s nothing else for miles around and this option is cheap. Really cheap. Both of us can eat for a combined 9 RMB, or $1.50. If we wanted to, we could eat dinner there too, but we stick to weekday lunches because it’s about all we can handle.

I knew before coming here that rice is the staple food, but I didn’t realize that it’s served with every single meal. That’s right, according to my students, it’s eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner seven days a week. Fortunately, the chef is very generous and makes sure there is always a vegetarian option. However, it’s typically either potatoes (yep…the meal consists of just rice and potatoes) or an unnamed Chinese vegetable cooked in the same sauce as yesterday’s unnamed Chinese vegetable. Sometimes it’s even the same vegetable multiple days in a row.

Simply getting accustomed to only having chopsticks available is a feat unto itself (especially when you’re the only foreigners for miles around and everyone watches you to assess your skill). Once that’s mastered, it’s easier to take the time to observe the surroundings. Hundreds of people, yet not many talking to each other. They tend to have their faces very close to the lunch tray, while scooping food in with the chopsticks. It doesn’t look like anyone is enjoying the meal or the company. It’s a shame to me, but it’s the eat to live mentality.

Sign in Walmart: Apparently Chinese don't Differentiate!
Sign in Walmart: Apparently Chinese don’t Differentiate!

So the cafeteria is subpar, but what about restaurants? Obviously there are more choices on what to order, but honestly, for me, the taste is relatively the same. The chefs could benefit from a lesson in spice variation. It’s pretty much MSG and that’s it. Apparently no one here got the memo on this deadly seasoning. Most restaurants have the same menu, and it’s communal dining. So if you’re going with a local, they are going to order and you have to eat whatever comes. Oh, and be prepared to double dip with your chopsticks. When fish is ordered, chances are it will be the entire fish that’s brought to the table, eyeball staring right up from the plate. I don’t eat it, but it certainly looks interesting.

When I visited China in 2010, I was taken to a restaurant specializing in Peking Duck. The duck was wheeled out by the chef and a proclamation, complete with identification number, was read to the group. The chef then proceeded to carve the duck in our room and serve every single edible piece to the family. I’m not sure why China lacks a food culture that is exciting for a foreign palate, but the majority of locals and tourists alike agree that China does seem to excel in duck.

These Little Piggies In the Market (Guess the Big, Bad Wolf Got 'em!)...
These Little Piggies Went to Market (Guess the Big, Bad Wolf Got ’em!)…

The meat is always fresh, as people buy it from vendors that hang the carcasses out for inspection in markets. I have been told that the American way of buying meat isn’t comfortable for the Chinese. They prefer to know exactly what they are getting. In theory this seems like a smart idea, but in practice it’s not much fun to walk down the street to see dust and flies swirling among dead pig heads!

One aspect I like about restaurant dining here is the individual rooms. Not all restaurants, but many have separate rooms for each party. This privacy makes the dining experience more enjoyable for me.

We had the amazing opportunity to spend a weekend with my extended family. My uncle married a Chinese woman, whose parents, seven sisters, and their children all live about 6 hours from us. When we visited, they made a few, extravagant home cooked meals. These were Justin’s favorite meals here in China. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, we had about 25 family members eating the dinner that Grandma spent all day preparing. The familial bond around that table was completely worth the weekend. I can’t say I forgot the germ aspect of all those chopsticks going into the same dishes, but at least I was able to relax and enjoy.

Justin Under the Wing of our Chinese Family - Learning the Ancient, Noble Art of Dumpling-ing...
Justin Under the Wing of our Chinese Family – Learning the Ancient, Noble Art of Dumpling-ing…

During that weekend, we also had a private lesson from a few of my “aunts” in dumpling making. That was filled with laughs as Justin and I embarrassed ourselves by over stuffing the dumplings and having them explode. We eventually got the hang of it and they even made special vegetarian dumplings just for me!!

There is one more food adventure I would like to share. Last month Justin and I traveled to Beijing. If you haven’t read those blog posts, please scroll back and enjoy them (when you’re finished reading mine). One night we started talking to a group of American tourists. When they found out we live in China, they asked for a dinner recommendation. Assuming they wanted Chinese food, as they only had a short time here, I began trying to narrow down their preferences. We certainly had a chuckle when it turned out they had been here for two days and already wanted to eat anything except Chinese food! I completely understood how they felt.

Personally, however, I was on a mission to accomplish my food goal for the year. While I have been a vegetarian for ten years, I broke it once in Korea to try eating dog for the cultural experience and wanted again to have a weird, odd, and disgusting cultural experience in China. I mean…it’s Asia. You can’t get stuff this bizarre in New Jersey! I finally found what I was looking for from a street vendor. There is a famous snack food street in Beijing. Most tourists eat there, although it’s probably not the norm to try something exceptionally unusual.

Case in point: Despite my urging to eat something gross, since the choices included spider, centipede, bumblebee, starfish, or a full, coiled-up snake, Justin opted for a marinated lamb wrap and some fried pumpkin. My goal, however, was to try scorpion. I was assured that it wasn’t poisonous and that the whole thing could be ingested. It came on a skewer, which was then thrown into the fryer and sprinkled with spices. I took it back to the hotel room so I could have a fun photo shoot with my food and then try it without having to alarm people if I couldn’t keep it down.

I Don't Even Know What Else to Say...
The Face Says it All!

I tried the claw first but I just kept chewing without getting to anything inside and without it compacting enough to comfortably swallow. Eventually I just tried to get it down, but to Justin’s amusement I started gagging and spitting. Next, I tried the legs. I got a couple of those down, but it was just a crunchy texture. No taste, no meat. Finally, we cracked open the body to see what it looked like. The meat was black mush. The look of utter repulsion on my fiancé’s face didn’t stop me from tasting some. Honestly, it just tasted like the spices. Probably the best case scenario for me!

Needless to say, I wasn’t kidding when I said how lucky I am that Justin enjoys cooking. The meals he creates on our single hot plate and toaster oven (it is very unusual in a Chinese household to even have an oven) are delicious. Especially since we can rarely find good bread or any cheese in the grocery stores here.

Until next time (if I’m asked to do a guest spot again)…


To Trace the Winding Dragon

The Great Wall of China is undoubtedly one of the most amazing wonders of the world. It has been said the Wall can be seen from the moon. It has also been said that a helpful dragon directed the workers to the path over the mountains where the Wall should be placed. Neither of these legends are true, but they’re both really fun to think about.

The Mutianyu Section of the Restored Great Wall
The Mutianyu Section of the Restored Great Wall

Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall isn’t actually one wall – it’s several smaller pieces of walls, built over hundreds of years that together form a defensive boundary on the northern edge of China. Other than protection from the Mongols, the Wall, having been constructed with towers and wide enough for ten men to walk side-by-side, was also used for transportation and communication.

Because the Wall took hundreds of years to complete, the ages of the pieces vary from mile to mile. The Chinese government restored sections so tourists can soak in the majesty of what the structure would have looked like during its heyday. The unrestored sections, also known as wild walls, have been swallowed up by the mountainside – trees grow through dislodged stones and one look over the side might cause a visitor to get vertigo and perhaps tumble to his death. It can be very scary to hike.

Last month, Jen and I took a trip to Beijing and spent a few hours traversing the Wall. It is so magnificent to be able to live a life where we both have opportunities to visit exotic and interesting places (Petra, Cairo, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Angkor). The Great Wall of China is the newest and one of the most impressive additions to that list.

Tourists are Everywhere along the Wall
Tourists are Everywhere along the Wall

The original concept for the Wall came about during the 14th century Ming Dynasty. After a series of defeats against the Mongols, the emperor devised a new strategy to keep the nomadic tribes out of China and this first portion of the Wall followed the Ordos Desert’s southern edge in an effort to utilize the natural landscape in the Ming army favor.

The areas built closer to Beijing were the strongest, but during various raids over the years, efficient tactics were developed to repair and reinforce pieces after skirmishes (before the enemy could launch another attack). Toward the end of the Ming’s rule, the Wall was instrumental in defending the empire against the Manchu invasions which began around 1600. By the time the Qing Dynasty ruled, the nation’s borders extended beyond the Wall and parts of Mongolia were annexed, so Great Wall was deemed unnecessary and constructions ceased.

Dragons Can Be Seen Everywhere...
Dragons Can Be Seen Everywhere…

Upon deciding to visit the Wall, you’ll find many options available: wild walls void of people and technology, restored sections packed with tourists, areas closer to or farther from Beijing, a few even boast ski lifts and toboggans installed to help people get on and off with greater ease. The main sections are: Badaling, Mutianyu, Jinshanling,  and Shanhai West and East. We chose the Mutianyu section because there are fewer tourists there than at Bedaling (closest to Beijing), but we felt the wild wall areas weren’t what we were hoping to experience.

The Wall was built using the mountainous terrain as a guide and as such has been compared to that of a long dragon stretching across northern China (the dragon’s head ends at the sea where it dips its mouth into the water for a cool drink). In Chinese culture, the dragon has traditionally been used a symbol for power, wealth, masculinity, and of the emperor himself.

Dragon Depiction at Mutianyu
Dragon Depiction at Mutianyu

Over the centuries, the dragon’s appearance has altered based on the symbolic needs for the depictions. As opposed to the more medieval European type of dragon, Chinese dragons look like long serpents with legs and a great, big head. Every minuscule detail of a dragon means something from the number of claws on its feet to the size and shape of its scales.

Dragon images can be seen just about everywhere in China as a sign of their culture and heritage. In fact, some Chinese people use the term ‘Descendants of the Dragon‘ as a means of illustrating their ethnic identity (the Mongols often used a wolf while the monkey remained the choice of Tibetans). Additionally in Chinese mythology, the phoenix is considered to be the mate of the dragon – yin and yang – and the tiger is its ultimate rival.

The Phoenix to my Dragon Standing Atop the Winding Dragon!
The Phoenix to my Dragon Standing Atop the Winding Dragon!

Today, it is highly taboo to disfigure or vandalize a dragon so one would think that to desecrate the Great Wall would be equally taboo; however, while we were on the Wall, we discovered that the Chinese people, adults and children alike, will drop trousers to relieve themselves in the corners of the battlements (I missed a photo opportunity by a split second). Many of the towers smelled as if they’d been drenched in urine. Quite the shame since the Wall is one of the can’t-miss sites (and sights) of the world! If you have a chance to go, we highly recommend it.

Until Next Time…
